CLEAN & Facility Örebro 2019

So another clean fair was over, this time CLEAN & Facility Örebro 2019 - what days we had!

For us, the clean fair feels a bit like the obvious meeting place for the industry and one of the big highlights of the year. We get so much energy from meeting you, exchanging experiences and being warmed by laughter - CLEAN & Facility in Örebro was no exception. A big thank you to everyone involved for two fantastic fair days!

For those of you who are curious to read more about the products we had with us at the fair, our product catalog is uploaded here to the right, and as usual, a small crop of pictures from the fair below.

Do you have any thoughts or are you curious to know more? Do not hesitate to get in touch!

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Time to develop the cleaning?

We are here with and for you all the way. Together, we challenge old perceptions and established routines, and create a cleaning that is sustainable both now and in the future!